Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Shakespeare Lives On!

     Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love William Shakespeare's work. I enjoy reading his plays and poems--yes, I read them for "fun" as well as for teaching--especially because I think they are very timely, even 400+ years after they were written. Most of you have heard this before, I bet, but words and phrases said to have been coined by Shakespeare are still used today in our daily language. I think that's pretty cool!

     Also, I think it's pretty amazing how often Shakespeare's works have been reimagined in books, films, and musicals and how many works have "borrowed" plot ideas and themes from the "Bard." I recently came across this article, written in 2014 to celebrate the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth. In it, the writer looks at the several films and musicals based on some of Shakespeare's plays. Here is another article about films based on the Bard's plays, some of which you might be familiar with, like 10 Things I Hate About You and She's the Man.  This article examines 10 novels that are based on Shakespeare's plays. Really, he's everywhere!

    In my life before teaching, I was a dancer and singer, and was heavily involved in musical theater. Growing up, I performed in many musicals in the area and have always loved musical comedy. One musical that comes to mind whenever I think of Shakespeare is the 1953 musical Kiss Me, Kate, which is based on The Taming of the Shrew. I like this musical first because it's based on a Shakespearean play and second because the music and lyrics were created by Cole Porter, a famous composer and songwriter who was known for his witty and engaging lyrics. It's a classic musical comedy, and I just love it!

     One song, in particular, is especially fun because it specifically references Shakespeare's works. It's called "Brush Up Your Shakespeare," sung by two gangsters who are trying to teach a third man how to "get a girl." Here's a video of the film version of the scene.

So, be on the lookout--you never know when Shakespeare's words and ideas will pop up!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. After reading "How to Read Literature Like a Professor" and this blog article, I am beginning to recognize all of the quotes from Shakespeare that we still use today! I realized that terms such as "wear your heart on your sleeve" and "a sorry sight" are quotes from Shakespeare that are frequently used in everyday conversation.
    Just recently I tweeted, "To sleep or not to sleep... that is the question." Without thinking twice I wrote a statement based off of a famous Shakespeare quote. Shakespeare was an exquisite writer whose made a lasting impact on every type of art imaginable, both tangible and intangible. I'd be interested in learning more about his life and how he became such a renowned writer.

    Hannah Kalish
    Period 3

  3. It's interesting how years later the works and words that Shakespeare created still lives on. People use his words or reference him daily without even knowing it, example Hannah Kalish. The impact that Shakespeare has is enormous and that's a huge feat accomplished by someone who isn't alive anymore, it's crazy how influential he is even years later. In the future, everyday people will probably still quote him without knowing it, and that's amazing.

    Joyce Wang
    Period 5

    1. I can't think of any other literary person with that much influence.

    2. William Shakespeare is one of the greatest writers of world literature , and key his work in total fourteen comedies, tragedies and ten ten historical dramas is a fine compendium of feelings , pain and ambitions of the human soul and read some of the books and enchant me and I do not like to read and i like so much

      Idamar Amaya
      period 4

    3. William Shakespeare is one of the greatest writers of world literature , and key his work in total fourteen comedies, tragedies and ten ten historical dramas is a fine compendium of feelings , pain and ambitions of the human soul and read some of the books and enchant me and I do not like to read and i like so much

      Idamar Amaya
      period 4

  4. Shakespeare was a brilliant writer and his work still lives today. His work has been revised into a lot of the musicals and plays that we love. I was surprised to see that some of the phases that I frequently use, were written by Shakespeare.

    Carlie Scutt
    Period 5

  5. It's amazing how much of an influence Shakespeare still has on today's generation. We use his quotes everyday without even knowing it. I'm very certain in many decades to come, he'll still be very much influential or even more.

    Juslyn Codjoe
    Period 3

  6. After reading this article and the ones you attached a link to, I have became increasingly aware of Shakespeare’s eternal presence in the world of art. Whether it be in movies or musicals such as The Lion King and West Side Story, Shakespeare has been a big influence in not only literature, but theatre as well. As a student who has been studying theatre for six years now, Shakespeare has been mentioned countless times in the auditorium. The question that comes to mind is: why is his work necessarily influential? Well, I believe his pieces are timeless. Themes such as love and death have been inevitable throughout the course of human life. Shakespeare discusses things that, although sometimes far reaching, can relate to everyone. For example, Romeo and Juliet falling in love. Most of us will experience having a “first love” and at such a young age, sometimes our parents just won’t approve. Shakespearean literature captures the essence of being human by going through phases of happiness, despair or laughter. Through his impeccable use of the English language and unblemished pieces of art, Shakespeare’s work lives on.

    Candela Montenegro
    Period 3

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I believe Shakespeare became very influential to the entertainment world because his story plots were so elaborate. In A Midsummer's Night Dream the story line gave each character their own story but they also all connected to each other. No matter how long ago he lived and created he will always impacts movies and literature throughout the generations. However, I do not think you truly appreciate his work until you understand how impactful he really was. He changed the literary world in ways other authors can only dream of and once motion pictures were developed they used Shakespeare's work to their advantage. Shakespeare deserves more credit than he is given.
      Sabrina Gabriele Period 5

  8. Juan Lopez Otero
    Period 6
    Williams Shakespeare's sonnets are incredible and I love many of them. My favorite work of his is A Midsummer Night Dream. He was an amazing writer in hos time and it does not surprise me that many of his work is still popular till this day.

  9. I myself love William Shakspeare. He is one of my favorite writers he is a brilliant artist with all of this work. I especially love the fact he has so much to "blame" for in the world of not only literature but theater.
    PERIOD 5

  10. Hello Mrs. Henrion. I love Shakespeare's work as well. My favorite piece by William Shakespeare is either "Romeo and Juliet" or "Julius Caesar". He has a unique way of creating his art. It is very hard to understand at first but then once you get to know and understand his work it draws you in and is really quite beautiful.

    Kristin E. McMaster

    1. I agree! The more you read of him, the easier he is to understand and appreciate.

  11. After reading this and the articles posted, it allowed me to have a different perspective and view of Shakespeare. Personally, I was not a huge fan of Shakespeare when I first read his writings during freshmen year. I read it just for the requirement of the class and to get a good grade. His writing did not appeal to me until last year, when I read "Midsummers' Night Dream." Now, I love Shakespeare's writing and the figurative language he uses. This post made me realize that the sayings we use today, and movies, and language have all been impacted by Shakespeare. He is a huge influential figure in the literary and theatrical world.

  12. "The world is my oyster " is my favorite phrase!William Shakespeare is a very well known writer,like really who hasn't heard of William Shakespeare. I have read "midsummer night's dream " and watched the play. But I didn't know all of of these common phrases came from him.

    Angel Delcid period 5

  13. Oris Amegbe
    Period 1
    It is truly a surprise that even 400+ years after the birth of Shakespeare most of his expression are still being utilized to teach secondary as well as University level education. I really enjoyed 'The Tradegy of Romeo and Juliet as a freshmen, the actual story seemed a bit trite, but I do know that suring the Shakespearean period of literature many people were amazed by his productions. It is amazing that even in modern times does his contribution still remain to inspire people to create similar works as his. Even though I am not a English oriented person I do enjoy reading and learning about Shakespeare.

    1. We'll be reading Macbeth and his sonnets. I think you'll like them.

  14. This is jimmy strong period 5. I feel that Shakespeare is used so much due to everyone tryin to write like him but can not fully achieve how good his writing was.Shakespeare is a one in a lifetime kind of writer who writes even a journal entry and you just want to read more. He has such a style to his writing that many people have tried to match but can not because he is truly one of a kind

  15. I learned so much more about Shakespeare after reading this article! I was surprised that many of the phrases used 450+ years ago are still used today. This goes to show how great of a writer he really was and I respect his work greatly. He has brought so much to the world of literature and his work will continue to be recognized and displayed to others for many more years!

    Steven Tarwa
    Period 5

  16. I never realized how much you get out of Shakespeare because all of his work touched everyone and influenced them to become well successful writers themselves not in the achievement of Shakespeare he knew what he was saying in a figurative way for people to understand what he meant. His words touched so many people in a figurative language that's still around today.

    1. His influence on modern writers is so strong.

  17. It's really crazy to me that now after 400+ years his writing is still used for teaching. But to me I agree with Jimmy, that Shakespeare is truly a one of a kind writer and there is no way you can replicate his writing. He wrote in a way that hasn't really been seen and that's why now after so many years we're still reading his books in schools showing that his writing wasn't just the story of that decade, but it's actually time less.
    Judy Nguyen
    Period 3

    1. True! That's why his plays are still performed and replicated all over the world.

  18. I would have never known that She's the man and "10 Things" were based off of Shakespeares plays! Thats amazing to me that considering how old his works of literature are they are still new and fresh. His work is different and creative and no matter how many times you read that one story or play you will always find something you didn't see before, or something you are just now understanding.
    Claire Mullan
    Period 1

  19. The most interesting part about William Shakespeare was his brilliance, the man wrote in such a way that carved the template for theatrical plays and poetry. Even today his works of art are being held side by side to try and embrace his genius ways of writing. Me personally I don't care that much for the theater and plays but when reading Shakespeare's creations I actually enjoy them. The best part of any of his writings that make him stand out to me are the unexpected plot twists he sneaks in when you don't see it coming at all. Reading Macbeth this year should be exciting considering its one of his most famous pieces of art.

    Derek Irr, 5th period

    1. Yes, I think you will really like Macbeth. It's got witches, ambition, crimes that need to be solved, a "crazy" wife...What more could you want!!

  20. As an aspiring actress I have always loved Shakespeare's work. Though it is often more difficult to get through one of his plays due to the more original form of English that he uses it's always worth it in the end. His contributions to the literaty and theatrical world are and will always be priceless. However as much as I value and am in awe of his works I do feel that often playwrights of similar time periods who have many works that are almost as good or even equal to that of Shakespeare are easily overlooked. Or to put it simply; Shakespeare can be a bit overrated and many of similar geniuses can be underrated. But that is how life goes.

    Shalom DeSota, Period 5

    1. You're right! The Bard's fame has overshadowed the works of his contemporaries. Take Christopher Marlowe, for example. He was a rival of Shakespeare's and he wrote some excellent plays. As you probably know, some scholars think Shakespeare's plays were actually written by Marlowe! But Marlowe died young, and didn't have the career longevity that WS did. Who knows whose works we might be copying now if Marlowe had had a longer career!

  21. It is surprising how timeless Shakespeare's work is. Did he ever believe that his work would live on 400+ years after it was written? I read The Tragedy Of Romeo and Juliet during freshman year and Julius Caesar during sophomore year. I personally enjoy reading his work because it shows how much history repeats itself and how timeless Shakespeare's writing is. Also, due to many artists "borrowing" his plots, many are surprised when they discover that the artist gained inspiration from Shakespeare.
    Ruth Adade
    Period 5

  22. Shakespeare's work has truly withstood the tall tale of time. He continues to inspire the new generation of writers that are coming up. Some of the common phrases that we use as a part of our day to day vocabulary are actually coined by him which is surprising coincidence. He continues to live on everyday through us.
    Christine Macharia
    Period 5

  23. I thing is amaising how Shakespeare got written 400 years ago and the plays are sitl this popular I can imagine how prod the people who wrote it this is like motivation to see something like this
    Julio diaz
    period 2

    1. It is amazing that the ideas of a Renaissance playwright and poet could still be appreciated and copied today in modern times!

  24. I never realized how much you get out of Shakespeare because all of his work touched everyone And inspired the new generation. Jorge Nieves
    Period 2

  25. Shakespeare's words of literature has a major effect not only in today's literature but in music also .Authors still use some of Shakespeare's methods to this today to write poems and books. Muscians even refer to shakespeare.

  26. I find it amazing that Shakespeare's work is still being used and taught after 400+ years, whether it's in class or in theater. It truly shows how inspiring he is and how much of a great writer he was. Romeo and Juliet will always be my favorite!

  27. I like your blog and enjoy reading/watching your posts. At first i wasnt too hyped about it and didnt think i was actually going to visit your blog but im glad i did. i find it interesting how popular Shakespeare is also considering how his tragedies and the lessons that come out of them can closely relate to things that happen in our every day lives despite the time difference.

    Laura Soriano, 2nd period

    1. So true! His ideas are universal and timeless.

  28. i enjoy your blog on Shakespeare. he has always had a way with his works that seem to captivate the audience and reel in the emotions he is trying to acheive. he is one of my top 10 favorite writers of all time. His ideas are in almost everything and i enjoy seeing and putting together the fact that they are everywere.

  29. Hello my name is Angel Berrios from period 7 English IV

    I think I disagree because I had never heard od him and his plays. And i do not like these kinds of music and plays. And I've never read his writings and poems

    1. In my class, we will read the play Macbeth and several of his sonnets, which are poems. I'm pretty sure you will like Macbeth, and will find the sonnets challenging to understand but interesting, too. I hope so!

  30. Daud Mohamed period 2

    I really like the story of Macbeth. Which is written by Shakespeare.
    The story of Macbeth It's got witches, ambition, crimes that need to be solved, a "crazy" wife... and its kind fun when you reading it.
    Although Shakespeare is not alive but people still remember him because he left this world something people to remember him.

  31. Period 2

    I think it is absolutely amazing how after 400+ years of shakepears birth/death his work is still being taught today and has influenced every generation of writers and continues to impact. Not only did his words of literature effect literature but it also made an impact on music and in art. He was one of a kind,considered the best writer from his time till now.Though people try to be like him he was unique and his style was and still is unmatched. Shakepears work will continue to move forward just as time does.

  32. Shakespeare's works of literature and plays are considered a reference or a bible to the modern English language due to its popularity to this day regardless of how old it was originally written. what is really interesting and special about Shakespeare's stories and plays is that it reveals the human qualities and emotions very realistically both the good and the bad. Qualities like love, hatred, envy, selfishness and kindness..etc are vividly shown through character's actions or dialogue. This makes the audience always interested and engaged because they can relate to how a character acts.

    1. That's so true, and speaks to the timelessness and archetypal quality of his ideas.

  33. I believe Shakespeare is one of the most influential writers of all time including our generation. He is the master of literature and the modern English Language. He popularized many genres that are still being portrayed in today's theater such as romance, suspense, comedy and tragedy. However without his brilliance and creativity the theatrical scene would never been this popular.

  34. I don't really know much about Shakespeare but I agree with the fact that his writing influenced a lot of today s poetry and literature along with other things. The song in this blog alone shows how much influence Shakespeare has on people right down to the musician who made this song. I'm not really into Shakespeare but I believe that anyone can learn a lot from his pieces of literature and works of art.

    1. To Onix: Yes, there is so much we can learn about human nature from Shakespeare's works.

  35. You're right, especially about human nature and emotion.

  36. Shakespeare is one of the most inspirational writers of all time. Everyone loves his plays. He had a great influence on poetry writers and plays. He left a big mark on literature.

  37. Period 1
    After reading this article and some of the comments, is that I know truly realize the influence of Shakespeare's work. It was really interesting for me to see all the phrases we still commonly use after all these years. Even more so I thought it was pretty cool how I myself have used many of these phrases without ever knowing their true origen.

  38. Period 1
    After reading this article and some of the comments, is that I know truly realize the influence of Shakespeare's work. It was really interesting for me to see all the phrases we still commonly use after all these years. Even more so I thought it was pretty cool how I myself have used many of these phrases without ever knowing their true origen.

    1. You are right. We use some of his phrases so naturally, that we don't even know that he's the person who created them.

  39. I really enjoyed Shakespeare work. I mostly enjoyed how he wrote his sonnets. I hope to read more about Shakespeare and his work throughout the school year.
    Enrique Morales period 6th

    1. We'll be reading some sonnets this year--and MACBETH!!

  40. It's amazing how much of an influence Shakespeare still has on our lives today! A lot of the sayings he used are saying we still use today and I think that that is so cool!

    Breanna LeBrun period 5

  41. I love Shakespeare he's been truly amuzing to me since I first started learning about him, he's an amazing writer and I don't mind reading the things he has written it gives us some thoughts on how it was in his generation I also love the unique way he writes his stories he definitely has his own style has every good writer should

    Cassy Harrington period 6

  42. I enjoyed this video. I love Shakespeare hes an amazing writer i hope we learn about him later on in class.

    Caroline Rosado Period 2

  43. i don't know much about him. i don't understand his writing style or half the words he uses. which isn't his fault but i'm not going to pretend i like something when i don't understand. he also puts me to sleep which could be a good thing. i don't know if that's what he wants but to bad. Charles 6th period

    1. First, the more you read Shakespeare, the easier it becomes to read and understand what he writes. Second, I think (hope) you'll enjoy Macbeth when we read it because it's a good story with interesting characters. (Charles, please use correct grammar, punctuation, and capitalization on your postings. Unlike text messaging or Facebook, I require more correct writing. Thank you:))

  44. I feel that Shakespeare is a very strong writer and smart st what he does. A lot of his work has been turned into great plays and musicals that many people enjoy still to this day. It's amazing that all he has don't is still around today and inspiring others.

    1. A person never knows when some phrase or idea invented by Shakespeare will show up. Many ideas he had first still apply to life today.

  45. Shakespeare is a well known poet and play writer when u say the name Shakespeare u think about one of the best written tragedy romeo and Juliet he was a inspirational mind that lit the way for more play writers and credits to come he was a bright mind man

    1. I think you'll really like Macbeth. Don't forget proper punctuation and grammar, even when you post a comment to my blog!

  46. Shakespeare's works is awesome and incredible!

  47. When I first came here four year ago I though I could never read or speak any of his works because of the old English he uses. One of his works I love is Romeo and Juliet in which it shows how great he is with English. However, I am still struggling with some words he uses anyway.

    Richard Netto
    Period 5

    1. Did you know that the more you read Shakespeare, the easier it is to read and understand his work. We'll be reading some of his sonnets and the play, Macbeth, which you will like very much, I hope.

  48. I am so impressed of how interesting how years ago and now Shakespeare words created still lives on. The impact of his plays is tremendous . People today still using his words without even knowing it . In the future people still quote him even without knowing it .

  49. I have always liked the little bit of Shakespeare's work that I have read. It is something that still makes sense and also retains it's true themes and emotions to this day.

    1. You will be reading some sonnets and Macbeth this year in my class.

  50. I find it very cool that Shakespeare's work still lives on today. I used to be iffy about his work because in middle school we read " A midsummer Nights Dream" and it was very boring to me because we learned about it for two months. Hopefully if we read more of it in class I will grow to like it.

    1. We'll read Macbeth this year. It has good characterization, suspense, and WITCHES!!!

  51. i like how you talked about the shakespeare because some people dont know what is shakespeare.i like the pictures that you put up on the page so we can have an image if what it is.I like the video because it was funny and it was talking about shakespeare.

    1. I hope you enjoy reading Macbeth later on this year.
